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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Grazier Photography

Photography by Johannes van Kan I hope you have a blog. They're a perfect marketing vehicle for photographers, and they're free. Photograph every album before you present it to your client, write a post about them, their day and their album, and send them the link. Just like all our new possessions (and this is a very special one) they'll want to show their friends and family, talk about it and (hopefully!) recommend the person who created it for them (you). What could be better? And don't forget to promote your blog on your website, in your email signature and in your fliers etc. To get you To View More >>

Time and time again we see albums pass through our Bindery in which the photographer has reflected the stylistic theme of the wedding in the book itself. Last week we featured an album with an autumnal harvest theme. This album uses our Pagemount page system to very different effect. What caught our eye in Scott and Priscilla’s case was the stylish simplicity of their red and white theme, and how well Matt and Enna of Grazier Photography had captured and reflected the details in a stunning album. The red highlights around the prints are created by trimming them to reveal the red page behind To View More >>
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